John Jackson presents...
How To Flip Publicly Listed Houses With NO Discounts For Huge Profits - With My 4-Day ‘Lease Option’ System!
Join my FREE 4-Day ‘Lease Option’ Masterclass, starting April 10th - 13th, where you’ll learn the exact system that’s made me the King of flipping $250k+ homes with NO competition.

Hey, John Jackson here...

They call me the King Of Lease Options. And I’m going to share with you my unique system that eliminates the need to hunt for discounted properties ever again.

You’ll see how I pick properties off the MLS, Zillow, etc. - and send just 3 ‘copy & paste’ emails to the seller to get a deal.

I never have to cold call. I never negotiate.
I give the seller full price. And I still make an incredible profit.

In just 5 days, you’ll be able to land your first deal with this strategy that makes you big-time cash on ‘expensive’, move-in ready homes.

I guarantee you’ll be obsessed with Lease Options!

If You Can Copy & Paste, You Can Email Your Way To Flipping Lease Options.
My ‘Lease Option Flipping’ strategy that gives you ZERO competition in finding and doing huge cash-making deals.
Why you never need to negotiate and try to get a property below market value again.
How my students are doing this (including a former Grub-hub driving single mom) without any of their own money or credit.
20 ways to easily find your first lease option deal at lightning speed.
How to outsource, automate, and scale to 3-5 deals a month (while other lease option investors only do one here and there!).
Don’t Just Take My Word For It…
"48 days. That’s how long from me getting your training materials to getting my first deal. I closed on it less than 2 weeks after that and held a check for $9,600 in my hands. Total disbelief would be a good way to describe it! This is serious stuff John. Thank you so much and I know I do owe you BBQ still!"
- Michael S.
Mobile, AL
"My wife and I just did our 5th deal and working on a package of 3 from an investor in another state which should be a done deal in a week or so! We’ve been using 3 of the marketing methods that you mention John and the results have been great once we implemented them. Our 5th deal! So many to come I know!”
- Arnie and Martha G.
Cummings, GA

John Jackson has been referred to as the “King of Lease Options” by other educators, speakers and investors across the country, and has pioneered many
of the techniques, methods, and structure utilized today with lease options.

John started his real estate company Leasing to Buy in 2003 and since then, has completed well over 800 lease option transactions himself, not including
the countless hundreds and hundreds that his students have completed.

His company Leasing to Buy, has refined the way that lease option transactions are structured and executed, so that over 98% of his buyers obtain permanent
financing within 12 months. That is unheard of in the industry, where the industry average is less than 20% of buyers in a lease option ever obtain permanent
financing at all!

As an educator, John is the ONLY educator in the US to teach Texas lease options, and the unique laws that Texas has. Real estate attorneys have even
referred to John for his education, experience and expertise in this very specific field.

Other nationally recognized educators have learned lease options directly from John as well as send their students to John to learn his unique method
for executing lease options.

John teaches investors how to make money utilizing lease options using no credit, no money, no risk, and with almost no competition,
all while working exclusively on pretty houses in pretty neighborhoods.

John has been featured on NBC, FOX, as well as a number of popular podcasts including Joe McCall’s “Real Estate Investing Mastery”,
Mitch Steven’s “Real Estate Investor Summit”, Joe Fairless’s “Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever”, Connor Steinbrook’s “Investor Army”,
Chris Prefontaine’s “Smart Real Estate” and Matt Theriault’s “Epic Real Estate”

In 2018 John co-authored “Real Estate Rock Stars” which hit #1 on Amazon in 3 categories and in April of 2021 will launch the first ever podcast
devoted exclusively to the topic of lease options.

Join Our FREE Lease Option Masterclass Facebook Group To Attend!

LIVE On April 10th - 13th, 2023 @ 2:00 PM CST

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